Meet The Pack
What we do here at Canine Behavioral Services is quite special and unique in the growing field of Dog Training.
While there seems to be no shortage of “training methods” out there, often making it quite confusing for owners, one thing is abundantly clear.
Nobody…I mean NOBODY can help a dog improve his or her own behavior like another experienced well-behaved dog!
Scroll down below and you will Meet The Pack!
The Pack is our team of calm, confident & consistent human PackLeaders who, alongside our own pack of well-balanced & experienced canines,
are able to help improve the lives, and behavior, of every human owner-dog team we are so fortunate to work with!

Our PackLeader
Brian Manning, CPDT-KA
Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed
Owner, Lead Behavior Trainer & Consultant
CPDT-KA #2081640 – Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (since 2008)
APDT #74463 – Association of Pet Dog Trainers – Premium Professional Member (since 2008)
IACP #3088 – International Association of Canine Professionals – Pro Member (since 2007)
Our Human PackLeaders
While expertly guiding our Pack Dogs in their work with calm confident Leadership, these Human PackLeaders/Behavior Trainers are constantly making sure the dogs in our care are safe, happy and fully enriched each and every day of their stay!
Our Canine Pack
These incredible canines (currently numbering 20 dogs) are owned personally by our Company President or one of our Trainers
These experienced dogs, who mostly live here on our property, work daily with the dogs that are here for Training or Boarding and are easily the most integral part of our natural behavior training process here at Canine Behavioral Services.
Honorary Pack Members
Over the years we’ve built some incredible relationships, through leadership, respect and compassion, with our client dogs.
This has led to these wonderful dogs becoming an incredible asset to our training collective.
After being fortunate enough to to help these wonderful dogs with their past behavioral issues, they are now able to actually give back
in our Pack Dynamic Training process whenever they come for a SleepOver visit!
We will never forget you... (in Memoriam)
It was with the heaviest of hearts that we said goodbye to these four-legged beauties who had become our “besties”. But we rest easy knowing
that we were graced beyond our worthiness by their presence when they were here and they never once wavered in their commitment
to help their fellow four-legged-pals find peace and balance in their behaviors. Rest easy my friends.