Family-Style Canine SleepOvers

Canine SleepOvers are a socially rewarding & enriching overnight experience where your dog is treated like one of the family!

Family-Style Canine SleepOvers

A Socially-Enriching Overnight Boarding Service

Our Family-Style SleepOver Service is a one-of-a-kind

Canine Social Club

* for dogs of all ages, sizes & breeds!

Our Family-Style Canine SleepOvers, or Social Boarding, is a socially-facilitated overnight boarding service for dog-friendly dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds at our kennel situated on 5+ country acres in Hope Valley, RI.

Every SleepOver Reservation includes valuable Social Interactions, safe & friendly Play-Time, with size & temperament appropriate canine mates, consistent Impulse Control & Manners reinforcement & training as well as some one-on-one time with one of our expert trainers should we identify any areas of behavior where your dog might benefit from more focused efforts from with of our human team members.  

When not resting comfortably in their individually assigned crates on comfortable and supportive Orthopedic bedding, dogs here for SleepOver are outside socializing, playing & training in one of our 12 yards or pens secured by 6-foot high galvanized fencing and locked or secured gates with fresh water and direct supervision by one of our expert PackLeaders!

Accommodations & Amenities

Easily the most frequently asked question…which is why we put it first!  

  • When not outside in one of our 4 training yards socializing, playing or training…dogs are resting comfortably inside on their individually assigned dog crates on their own orthopedic pad bedding

  • Climate-controlled Kennel Room – the temperature is maintained between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit & 40%-50% Humidity

  • Hepa-Filtered Air is exchanged hourly and diffused with Lavender-scented diffusers

  • During “down-time”, dogs can relax with a safe, new Nylabone or Antler (courtesy of the Pack) while listening to soft, classical music CD’s designed to keep them chill!

We exclusively feed Life’s Abundance – All Life Stages Formula

  • Feedings are done twice a day – at approximately 9:00 am & 4:00 pm
    • this will NOT interfere with your feeding time at home if different!

  • If you feed your dog Life’s Abundance at home, there’s no need to send food
    • We will feed from our stock at no charge to you!

  • If you do NOT feed Life’s Abundance, please send ample portioned supply
    • Please send ONLY dry food for the SleepOver.  No canned food please.
    • Please send dry kibble in portioned zip-loc bags if possible.  1 bag per meal
    • Please do not send treats, bones or any other food.  We will share from our supply!

For owners who would like more information on Life’s Abundance: Click Here

Another great question! 

Sorry, no human visitors during SleepOver!

  • We do our best to keep you “in the loop” through regular postings on Facebook
    • You do NOT need an account with Facebook to view updates about your dog! 
    • To access the Facebook Page on our website, please refer to our Website Menu
      • Resources > Facebook & Youtube
      • Or, here’s a quick link:  Click Here
  • Owners can also always contact us for an update at their convenience. 
    • Email is ALWAYS best so we can send any videos or pictures we might have!


Absolutely.  Please check out our Add-On Training Options below!

  • Add-On Training Services: Add-On any of these to your STANDARD SleepOver

    • Loose-Leash Walking;  2 x 15-20 minute walks per day
    • Recall Training;  2 x 15-minute training sessions per day
    • Treadmill Training;  1 x 10-15 minute Treadmill Session per day
    • Extra Socialization & Play;  a minimum of an extra 30 minutes per day
    • PET Sessions; Public Exposure Training (30-45 mins of training in public)
      • We bring your dog off-property to a public space to train!
  • SleepOver PLUS:  includes all the benefits of STANDARD SleepOver, plus the following:

    • Loose-Leash Walking;  2 x 15-minute Loose-Leash Walks per day
    • Recall Training;  2 x 15 Recall Sessions, with distractions, per day
    • Treadmill Training; 1 x 10-15 Treadmill Session per day
    • Extra Socialization & Play;  an extra 30 minutes of playtime with the Pack!

Of course!  The Classic Canine offers the BEST Grooming Services available!!

  • That’s right!  We now offer 3 levels of Grooming Services for SleepOver Guests

    • Salon Service: Includes the following:
      1. Soothing Spa Bath
      2. Hair Dry
      3. Nail Trim
      4. Ear Wipe-Out
      5. Our 5-Point Health & Welfare Check!
    • Full Groom: Includes all the benefits of our Salon Service PLUS
      1. Breed Specific Hair-Cut & Style,
      2. Full Ear Cleaning (incl. excess hair removal)
      3. Teeth Brush & Fresh Breath Rinse
      4. Pad Shave & Paw Massage

    • Bath & Nail Trim:  No fuss, no muss…just a basic squeaky clean pup! 

Well, actually, we do!  In our safe & reliable Pet Taxi‘The Tail Wagon’!

Offering One-Way or Round-Trip Transport in CT, RI & MA (and beyond – by request)

  • Transport Rates: $50.00 per Travel Hour
    • Transports are charged by the Travel Hour for ALL “legs” traveled
      • Round-Trip Transport has 4 “legs”
        • R/T example: Providence RI = 45 mins each leg x 4 = 3 hours Travel Time 
  • Transport Pick-Up & Drop-Off Time Frames
    • AM Transports:  8:00 am – 10:00 am
    • PM Transports:  4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
      • We require 1 week advanced to secure Transport Services
      • Approximate Arrival Times can be provided upon request


Your dog can attend SleepOver regardless of their current social behaviors.


For dogs that have trouble meeting new dogs but show NO AGGRESSION

  • If you are contacting us well AHEAD of your Reservation needs, we suggest:
    • 1 or 2 SleepOver stays (3-day minimum) prior to the need for a longer stay
      • This is to slowly and safely acclimate your dog to our Pack Dynamic
  • If you don’t have time available BEFORE your Reservation needs, we can provide…
    • Safe and secure accommodations but no direct interaction with the other dogs
    • We recommend that your dog come for repeated SleepOvers for improvement
      • We may also suggest one of our highly successful Training Programs!


Dogs with AGGRESSION towards other dogs can board under our Special Handling Service**

  • Special Handling is reserved for dogs that exhibit ANHY level of AGGRESSION to dogs
    • Special Handling Rate: $100.00 per day

  • Many dogs that initially pay the Special Handling Rate can eventually be downgraded
    • Once we are sure that your dog is SAFE…you may pay the normal SleepOver Rate

The following Vaccinations are required to attend SleepOvers here at CBS Inc.



  • RI State Law mandates that ALL dogs over 6 months of age be vaccinated for Rabies
  • We require a copy of your dog’s current RABIES CERTIFICATE
    • A Vaccine Reminder Sheet is NOT sufficient. 
    • A Certificate Copy is required.


  • This vaccine is generally given in combination with other vaccines.  

BORDATELLA (Kennel Cough)

  • While this vaccine is required, it does not fully cover every strain of Kennel Cough

PLEASE NOTE:  While we can accept a Vaccination Reminder Sheet for both the Distemper & Bordatella –  a copy of the actual RABIES CERTIFICATE is required for SleepOvers

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We currently have Vacancy!

Welcome Friends!

We are so honored to welcome your four-legged best friend to our SleepOver Service!

Transport Services Now Available!

One-Way & Round-Trip Transport Service in the Tail Wagon!

At your request, we will literally show up in your driveway, any morning Tuesday through Saturday, to pick up your furry four-legger and take them away for a day of frolicking fun with their furry friends!

You want Fido to come home with a shiny new Full-Groom & Haircut or just a simple Bath & Nail Trim?  We got that! 

Just book a Grooming Appointment @ The Kind K9 during your SleepOver Reservation scheduling process!

Are you having trouble getting your buddy “not coming when called” or “pulling on the leash“?

No prob…just select our Recall or Loose-Leash Walking – Training Add-Ons during the SleepOver Reservation process and one of our expert Trainers will help to make sure your pal is complying eagerly each time you call!

Standard SleepOver Service

overnight social boarding for dog-friendly dogs
$ 69
1st dog/per calendar day
  • includes 2 daily feedings*, love and lots of playtime!
  • $50.00 per day (for each additional dog)

Add-On Training Services

Any of these Behavioral Training Services below can be added-on to your Standard SleepOver Service

Have one of our expert Packleaders work with your dog each day to further enrich your four legged friend while instilling more consistent productive behaviors.

Loose-Leash Walking & Training: $15.00 per day/per dog

  • An expert trainer will have your dog walking Loose-Leash in no time!

Recall Training Exercises: $15 per dog/per day

  • 2 x 15 minute Recall Exercise Sessions per day
  • Positive-Based Conditioning to Recall at distance with consistency
  • Requires owner follow-through to achieve consistent, reliable results

Extra Socialization & Play Time: $20 per dog/per day

  • We will hand-select appropriate dogs to help your dog improve socially
  • 1 x 30 minutes of Extra Social Play Time, under PackLeader Guidance

Treadmill Training & Exercise: $25 per dog/per session

  • 1 x Treadmill Session per day / 3-Day minimum for 1st Treadmill
    • Each Treadmill Session is 10-15 minutes long

  • This is one of the BEST ways we know of to improve self-confidence

1 x 45 minute Public Exposure Training Session: $50 per Session

PET Sessions consist of one or more of our Trainers transporting your dog off-premises to a public-place to work on behaviors you might be having trouble with in a stimulating environment.  This is ‘Real-World” Training!

  • Working on Loose-Leash Walking & Recall with Distractions as well decreasing the frequency & severity of any Leash Reactivity

SleepOver PLUS Training

social boarding with daily training added!
$ 95
per dog/per calendar day
  • includes expert All-Natural Training & Socialization
  • $95.00 per day (for each additional dog)

Grooming & Transport Services

The Classic Canine Grooming Salon is now OPEN!

The Classic Canine is a full-service grooming salon using only organic & all-natural grooming products with a focus on a positive experience and balanced behaviors.

Transport Services in The Tail Wagon!

Offering Transport Services to our valued Boarding Clients (1-Way or Round Trip)

* We require at least a 1 week’s notice to schedule Transportation

  • Reservations requested with less than 1 week lead may incur a $35 Convenience Fee

More about our incredible Canine SleepOver Service

Our Canine SleepOver Service (aka, Boarding) is designed around a semi-cage free environment where dogs are allowed to freely socialize with other balanced, well-behaved dogs in over 15,000 square feet of 6′ high galvanized fencing broken up into over 10 separate, safe & secure social play and training areas.

When the dogs are not out for supervised play, exercise or training, they are comfortably housed in individual ortho-pad-lined runs or crates in a strictly climate-controlled room, where the temperatures are maintained between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit while the humidity is kept at 45-60%. 

During their daily scheduled “down-time”, we go lights out and the dogs get to chill and relax with classical music while the air is scented with calming safe, essential oil diffusers.  We also have 16 state-of-the-art wi-fi security cameras so we can observe any dog at any time.

Q. Why put your dog in a traditional kennel where he or she will spend their entire stay pacing back and forth in a concrete and steel dog run?

A. Well, thankfully, you don’t have to anymore!

Now you can choose to have your best friend enjoy first-class canine social interactions with our experienced, well-balanced, and diverse Pack of rescue dogs led by our team of expert PackLeaders, in a safe & secure environment!

Our staff to dog ratio during OUT Sessions is never more than 1 to 5 (or 1:5).  In my experience, allowing for more than 5 dogs with 1 Trainer is inviting the potential for something potentially unsafe to happen.   

Safety is always our top priority!

One stay here is all it will take for your dog to ask…”can I please go back to play with the Pack?”!

Accommodations & Amenities

Easily the most frequently asked question…which is why we put it first!  

  • When not outside in one of our 4 training yards socializing, playing or training…dogs are resting comfortably inside on their individually assigned dog crates on their own orthopedic pad bedding

  • Climate-controlled Kennel Room – the temperature is maintained between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit & 40%-50% Humidity

  • Hepa-Filtered Air is exchanged hourly and diffused with Lavender-scented diffusers

  • During “down-time”, dogs can relax with a safe, new Nylabone or Antler (courtesy of the Pack) while listening to soft, classical music CD’s designed to keep them chill!

At CBS Inc., we exclusively feed Life’s Abundance – All Life Stages Formula

  • Feedings are done twice a day – at approximately 9:00 am & 4:00 pm
    • this will NOT interfere with your feeding time at home if different!

  • If you feed your dog Life’s Abundance at home, there’s no need to send food 
    • We will feed from our stock at no charge to you!

  • If you do NOT feed Life’s Abundance, please send ample portioned supply
    • Please send ONLY dry food for the SleepOver.  No canned food please.
    • Please send dry kibble in portioned zip-loc bags if possible.  1 bag per meal
    • Please do not send treats, bones or any other food.  We will share from our supply!

For owners who would like more information on Life’s Abundance: Click Here

Another great question!  Sorry, no human visitors during SleepOver!

  • We do our best to keep you “in the loop” through regular postings on Facebook
    • You do NOT need an account with Facebook to view updates about your dog! 
    • To access the Facebook Page on our website, please refer to our Website Menu
      • Resources > Facebook & Youtube
      • Or, here’s a quick link:  Click Here
  • Owners can also always contact us for an update at their convenience. 
    • Email is ALWAYS best so we can send any videos or pictures we might have!

Absolutely.  Please check out our Add-On Training Options below!

  • Add-On Training Services: Add-On any of these to your STANDARD SleepOver


    • Loose-Leash Walking (2 x 15-20 minute walks per day)
    • Recall Training (2 x 15 minute training sessions per day)
    • Treadmill Training Time (10-15 minutes per day)
    • Extra Socialization & Play Time (at least an extra 30 minutes per day)
    • PET Sessions: Public Exposure Training (30-45 mins of training in public)
      • We bring your dog off-property to a public space to train!
  • SleepOver PLUS:  includes all the benefits of STANDARD, plus the following:

    • Loose-Leash Walking: 2 x 15 minute Loose-Leash Walks per day
    • Recall Training: 2 x 15 Recall Sessions, with distractions, per day
    • Treadmill Training: 1 x 10-15 confidence building Treadmill Session per day
    • Extra Social/Play Time: an extra 30 minutes of play time with the Pack!

Of course!  The Classic Canine offers the BEST Grooming Services available!!

  • That’s right!  We now offer 2 levels of Grooming Services for SleepOver Guests
    1. Salon Service: Bath, Hair Dry, Nail Trim, Ear Wipe-Out and 5-Point Health & Welfare Check! 
    2. Full Groom: Salon Service PLUS Hair-Cut & Style, Ear Cleaning, Teeth Brush & Pad Shave


For a limited time, receive a 25% Discount OFF your normal Grooming Charges!

  • Just submit a Grooming request on your SleepOver Reservation submission!


Well, actually, we do!  In our brand new Pet Taxi we call ‘The Tail Wagon’!

Offering One-Way or Round-Trip Transport in CT, RI & MA (and beyond – by request)

  • Transport Rates: $35.00 per Travel Hour
    • Transports are charged by the Travel Hour for ALL “legs” traveled
      • Round-Trip Transport has 4 “legs”
        • example: Providence RI = 45 mins each leg x 4 = 3 hours Travel Time 
  • Transport Pick-Up & Drop-Off Time Frames
    • AM Transports:  8:00 am – 10:00 am
    • PM Transports:  4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
      • Up to 2 weeks advanced notice may be required to secure Transport
      • Approximate Arrival Times can be provided upon request

Your dog can attend SleepOver regardless of their current social behaviors.

NO AGGRESSION: Dogs that have trouble meeting new dogs but show NO AGGRESSION

  • If you are contacting us well AHEAD of your Reservation needs, we suggest:
    • 1 or 2 SleepOver stays (3-day minimum) prior to the need for a longer stay
      • This is to slowly and safely acclimate your dog to our Pack Dynamic
  • If you don’t have time available BEFORE your Reservation needs, we can provide…
    • Safe and secure accommodations but direct interaction with the other dogs
    • Recommend that your dog come for repeated SleepOvers for improvement,
      • We may also suggest one of our highly successful Training Programs!

WITH AGGRESSION: Dogs that show AGGRESSION can board under our Special Handling**

  • Special Handling reserved for dogs that have a history of AGGRESSION with other dogs
    • Special Handling Rate: $100.00 per day

  • Many dogs that initially pay the Special Handling Rate can eventually be downgraded
    • Once we convince your dog he is SAFE…he may end up paying the normal Rate

Transport Services Now Available!

One-Way & Round-Trip Transport Service in the Tail Wagon!

At your request, we will literally show up in your driveway, any morning Tuesday through Saturday, to pick up your furry four-legger and take them away for a day of frolicking fun with their furry friends!

You want Fido to come home with a shiny new Haircut or just a simple Bath & Nail Trim?  We got that! 

Just book a Groom @ The Kind K9 during the SleepOver Reservation process!

Having trouble getting your buddy to “come when called”?  No prob…just select Recall Training Add-On during the SleepOver Reservation process and one of our talented Trainers will help to make sure your pal is complying eagerly each time you call!


Add-On Training Services

Any of these Behavioral Training Services below can be added-on to your Standard SleepOver Service

Have one of our expert Packleaders work with your dog each day to further enrich your four legged friend while instilling more consistent productive behaviors.

Add-On Loose-Leash Walking & Training: $15.00 per day/per dog

  • An expert trainer will have your dog walking Loose-Leash in no time!

Add-On Recall Training Exercises: $15 per dog/per day

  • 2 x 15 minute Recall Exercise Sessions per day
  • Positive-Based Conditioning to Recall at distance with consistency
  • Requires owner follow-through to achieve consistent, reliable results

For dogs that could benefit from more Social Time: $20 per dog/per day

  • We will hand-select appropriate dogs to help your dog improve socially
  • 1 x 30 minutes of Extra Social Play Time, under PackLeader Guidance

An incredible confidence booster: $25 per dog/per session

  • 1 x Treadmill Session per day / 3-Day minimum for 1st Treadmill
    • Each Treadmill Session is 10-15 minutes long

  • This is one of the BEST ways we know of to improve self-confidence

1 x 45 minute Public Exposure Training Session: $50 per Session

PET Sessions consist will transport your dog off-premises to a public-place to work on behaviors you might be having trouble with in a stimulating environment.  This is ‘Real-World” Training!

  • Working on Loose-Leash Walking & Recall with Distractions as well decreasing the frequency & severity of any Leash Reactivity

Grooming & Transport Services

The Classic Canine Grooming Salon is now OPEN!

The Classic Canine is a full-service grooming salon using only organic & all-natural grooming products with a focus on a positive experience and balanced behaviors.

Transport Services in The Tail Wagon!

Offering Transport Services to our valued Boarding Clients (1-Way or Round Trip)

* We request at least a 1 week notice to schedule Transportation

Example Transport Rates can be found below under the Blue Tab titled “Transport Services”

Holiday Rates & Details

overnight social boarding for dog-friendly dogs
$ 85 1st dog/per calendar day
  • $65.00 per day (for each additional dog)
  • $145.00 per day for SleepOver PLUS Service
  • 2024 Winter Holiday Dates: 12/21 - 1/2
  • Summer Holiday Dates: Week of July 4th
  • Fall Holiday Dates: 11/23-11/27
  • includes 2 daily feedings*, love and lots of playtime!